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Web Dev Meetup Tonight

  • Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007

I’ll be at the Orlando Web Developer & Designer meetup group tonight. If your in the area, stop by and say hi!

The purpose of this group will be primarily focused around web development, though should be open to technology and design discussions outside of our specific area as well.

A small list of topics could include, web standards, cross browser development, HTML/XHTML, Dynamic languages [asp, .NET, php, CFM, jsp, Ruby, etc…], rapid web application development, web applications and database interaction, code optimization, AJAX (What is it, why and where to use it and how not to abuse it), Web Toolkits (prototype, dojo, gwt [google web toolkit]), development tools [notepad, dreamweaver, etc], managing web projects, and many, many others contributed by all of you.

This group should be open for everyone from beginners to advanced developers. The aim is not to take away from the Orlando Web Design meetup group but rather to have a group specifically for web development, programming and applications. So come join, start networking, learn more than in a classroom and lets do this!

When? 7pm, August 23

Where? Stadust Video & Coffee

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